Friday, January 30, 2009


Yes, we did. We got ourselves a little puppy not quite 8 weeks old. Annie is an absolutely wonderful puppy - half black lab and half golden retriever. She is the total Yuppy Puppy. Due to my profession, she has a ton of toys, collars, leashes, treats, chew toys, etc. I think she is on toy overload. She came to live with us on Dec 27, 2008 and is getting big. She will be a big dog for sure - already has large paws. We have been taking her on many walks each day which has been good for all of us. Ang is taking her through a training class at Petsmart - that has been very helpful. Annie slept in our bed the first week or so but now either sleeps downstairs with Seth or in her kennel (usually with Seth). She truly is a great puppy and has already brought a lot of joy to our family. The kids absolutely love her.

Santa sent the kids a letter telling us that he can make all sorts of toys but not puppys and that we were to go get a puppy despite any reservations their parents might have. So, we obeyed Santa's wishes. Our two cats are less than thrilled. It has been fun.

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